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Meet Fran. . .


My Bio

I grew up in Fairfax, Virginia, the youngest of five siblings. As a kid, I realized I was much happier moving than sitting and spent most of my formative years in the neighborhood pool swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, and lifeguarding. I’ve always had a lust for learning, but honestly, sports were the driving force that kept me happy through high school. I was a cheerleader, swimmer, and a member of the first girl’s soccer team at W.T Woodson High School.

I decided early on that I wanted a career in education and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education, Magna Cum Laude, from Springfield College. I loved those early days in the gym, on the pool deck and out on the fields at Bethlehem Central Middle School, but somehow felt like I was missing the big picture. After receiving my Master of Science degree from Russell Sage College in School Health Education it was clear to me that I was meant to be in the classroom, teaching skills-based health education.


It was during those years of teaching eighth graders the importance of health advocacy that triathlon came into my life. In an effort to raise money and awareness for multiple myeloma, I registered for my first triathlon, joined Team in Training, and got bitten by the tri bug. Hard. After being a middle of the pack runner for my entire life, I finally found something that I was pretty good at!


I credit much of my early success in triathlon to innovative coaching, unwavering support from my family, and the desire to keep the element of “fun” in every challenge that I undertook. My triathlon journey has taken me to some inspiring places, but I’ve also experienced my fair share of falls, overuse injuries, inadequate fueling and poorly marked bike courses (or maybe that’s just my sense of bad direction). Each misstep has become a wonderful opportunity to become a smarter athlete and, ultimately, a wiser coach.


Through Vincent Multisport and Personal Training LLC, I’m looking forward to helping others enjoy the positive outcomes that come from living an active, healthy lifestyle. I see this as the perfect extension of my life experiences as an athlete, educator, and coach. . .and I couldn’t be more excited!


Professional Highlights

-Level I USAT Coach

-NASM, Certified Personal Trainer

-Mad Dogg Star 2 Spin Instructor

-American Red Cross Lifeguard/First Aid/CPR/AED Certified

-Retired Middle School Health Education Teacher (32 yrs)

-NYS Health Education Teacher of the Year (2016)

-Bethlehem Tri Club, Co-Founder

Athletic Highlights

-11 x Ironman Finisher

  • IM World Championship, Kona, Hawaii, 2022, 19th place AG

  • ​IM Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 2021, 1st place AG

  • ​IM Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 2019, 2nd place AG

  • ​IM Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 2018, 4th place AG

  • IM World Championship, Kona, Hawaii, 2017, 8th place AG 

  • IM Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 2016, 2nd place AG 

  • IM World Championship, Kona, Hawaii, 2015, 10th place AG   

  • IM Mont. Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, 2015, 2nd place AG (PR  10:56:40)

  • IM World Championship, Kona, Hawaii, 2013, 5th place AG 

  • IM Lake Placid, Lake Placid, New York, 2013, 1st place AG 

  • IM Lake Placid, Lake Placid, New York, 2011, 5th AG 

-USAT All American 2011-2019

-Northeast USAT AG Champion 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019

-Ironman All World Athlete 2012-2017, 2019, 2021

© 2018 Vincent Multisport LLC. All rights reserved.

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